Dayton, OH - The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) recently received a bronze TELLY Award for a branding campaign that included three (3) television commercials which highlighted MVRPC’s primary areas of focus (transportation, environmental and land use planning).
MVRPC’s Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, AICP, commented, “These ads were developed in an effort to educate the public about who we are and what we do. Many of our initiatives impact residents on a daily basis. We want them to become aware of our focus and become engaged in the regional planning process.”
The national TELLY Awards honor the best in TV and cable, digital and streaming, and non-broadcast video productions. On average, the TELLY Awards receive over 13,000 entries yearly from all 50 states and 5 continents. A TELLY is one of the most sought-after awards by industry leaders, from large international firms to local production companies, and ad agencies.
The ads feature footage of the Greater Miami Valley Region, including local parks, landmarks, and infrastructure, and they explain what MVRPC is doing to enhance residents’ quality of life. They can be viewed at http://www.mvrpc.org/about-mvrpc.
The ads were produced locally by Rick Davis, President of DH Productions. “DH Productions recently completed three (3) “companion” television commercials that feature footage from communities from across Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and parts of northern Warren County. We intend to submit these new ones for a TELLY Award too,” stated Martin.
Established in 1964, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission promotes collaboration among communities, stakeholders, and residents to advance regional priorities. MVRPC is a forum and resource where the Board of Directors identifies priorities and develops public policy and collaborative strategies to improve quality of life throughout the Miami Valley Region. MVRPC performs various regional planning activities, including air quality, water quality, transportation, land use, research and GIS. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MVRPC is responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami and Montgomery Counties and parts of northern Warren County. MVRPC's areawide water quality planning designation encompasses five (5) counties: Darke, Preble plus the three MPO counties.
For information about the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, please contact Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, AICP, at bmartin@mvrpc.org or at 937.223.6323.
Photo attached – (L to R): Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, AICP (holding TELLY Award) and Laura A. Loges, Director of Marketing & Public Affairs.