The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission works with other organizations throughout the Miami Valley to identify projects that may be eligible for federal funding. Through a committee decision, the projects are forwarded on to federal elected officials for deliberation. The purpose of this process is to establish a list of projects which benefit the Dayton Region to be submitted as requests for funding.
The partnership of MVRPC and other regional agencies has successfully obtained over $71.9 million dollars in federal funding, through this process. Click for a list of regionally significant projects awarded over the last several years.
MVRPC is the lead agency for Transportation projects and Government Services projects. The Transportation projects and Government Services projects are reviewed by review panels which categorize the proposed projects by the importance of the project and the impact the proposed project will have in the overall area. The list of projects is then sent to the MVRPC Board structure for final review and adoption and submittal to the Dayton Regional Priority and Advocacy Committee.
The Dayton Regional Priority Development and Advocacy Committee presents the approved project list to the Dayton region federal legislative delegations. Project sponsors who agree to participate in the process are expected to support overall project categorization.
PDAC Applications
PDAC Program Applications 2024
The latest Priority Development and Advocacy Committee (PDAC) project solicitation began on September 11, 2023 and applications were due to Dayton Development Coalition and MVRPC by November 3, 2023. MVRPC received seven Transportation and sixteen Government Services PDAC applications by our November 3, 2023 deadline, which are listed below:
Transportation Applications
Government Services Applications
MVRPC’s Transportation and Government Services Review Panel then reviewed and categorized the Transportation and Government Services PDAC applications that were received. On February 1, 2024 MVRPC Board of Directors approved the categorized Transportation and Government Services PDAC list. MVRPC then forwarded the prioritized list of projects to the Dayton Regional Priority Development and Advocacy Committee for final review. On February 8, 2024 MVRPC attended the Dayton Regional Priority Development and Advocacy Committee meeting where our Transportation and Government Services projects were presented. Finally, the Dayton Regional Priority Development and Advocacy Committee will present the approved project list to the Dayton region federal legislative delegations.