Functional Classification Update

On February 2024, the MVRPC Board of Directors approved the 2020 update of the Dayton Urbanized Area Transportation Boundary.  This was the first step in the process of updating the functional classification of roadways within the MVRPC area.

Over the next few months, the MVRPC staff will be working with ODOT and local jurisdictions in the 2020 Federal-Aid Roadway Functional Classification update, see schedule below






January 16


Present update information to TAC

February 28



All proposed changes by jurisdiction are due to MVRPC


April 17


Present draft functional class to TAC


May 15

June 5

Adopt final functional class and Forward changes to ODOT


Every ten years after the Census Urbanized Area is defined, the Transportation Urbanized Area Boundaries must be updated, followed by changes to the roadway Functional Classification. 

A map with the existing functional class and a map with ODOT’s proposed changes to the existing federal classification is provided below. MVRPC will use this web map as the starting point to propose additional changes. Please note that the map also shows the approved 2020 Transportation Urbanized Area Boundary.

Existing Functional Class and Urban Areas Map PDF

ODOT Proposed Changes PDF

PES Web Map

Other Useful Information