Dayton, OH - The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) is accepting Requests for Applications for possible funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 program, also known as Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and People with Disabilities.
This program provides federal funds to transit agencies, governmental authorities, private providers of public transportation and duly-formed private, non-profit organizations to cover 80% of capital lease costs of accessible vehicles for programs that provide greater access to the community for seniors and people with disabilities. These vehicles must provide service in Greene, Miami, Montgomery or northern Warren Counties. In addition to vehicles, capital projects can also include sidewalk and bus stop improvements, when those improvements result in greater access to a fixed or flex-route bus system. The remaining 20% of any project's capital cost must be paid by the requesting organization. The 20% match cannot be made from Federal Department of Transportation funds.
A free workshop entitled “How to Complete the Application” will be held Tuesday, August 23, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. as part of the Quarterly Regional Transportation Coordination Council, at the Goodwill Easter Seals Headquarters, Eichelberger Conference Center – 660 South Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402. Attendance at this meeting and ongoing participation in this Coordination Council are mandatory for any organization wishing to request Section 5310 / Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and People with Disabilities funds. Applications can be requested at that meeting. At all MVRPC meetings, interpreters for hearing impaired individuals or bi-lingual interpreters are available upon request. Requests should be made at least one week prior to the meeting date. Contact MVRPC at (937) 223-6323 or 1-800-750-0750 TTY/TDD to request an interpreter.
Final deadline for any agency to request an application for Section 5310 funds is Wednesday, August 24, 2016, by 4:00 p.m. Contact Bob Steinbach at MVRPC, (937) 223-6323, or submit a request in writing to Bob Steinbach, C/O MVRPC, 10 N. Ludlow St., Suite 700, Dayton, OH 45402, or by email at bsteinbach@mvrpc.org by that same deadline.
Established in 1964, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission promotes collaboration among communities, stakeholders, and residents to advance regional priorities. MVRPC is a forum and resource where the Board of Directors identifies priorities and develops public policy and collaborative strategies to improve quality of life throughout the Miami Valley Region. MVRPC performs various regional planning activities, including air quality, water quality, transportation, land use, research and GIS. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MVRPC is responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami and Montgomery Counties and parts of northern Warren County. MVRPC's areawide water quality planning designation encompasses five (5) counties: Darke, Preble plus the three MPO counties.
For additional information about the Section 5310 Program, contact Bob Steinbach, MVRPC’s Director of Sustainable Solutions and Transportation Alternatives, at (937) 223-6323 or log on to www.mvrpc.org.