
Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network Meeting February 2025

Thank you for attending this meeting of the Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network, where we announced the 2025 Grant Funding Opportunities with generous support from The Dayton Foundation and the Del Mar Healthcare Fund. We also introduced MVRPC’s new Del Mar Fellow, Arnie Biondo, who will be providing technical support, leadership and coordination to the MVAFN in the coming year. A focus in the coming year will be to support communities Age-Friendly Action Plans, as well as encouraging more communicates in the Miami Valley Region to participate in the Regional Livability and Age-Friendly Communities cohort and the grant funding that comes along with it.

The meeting also focused on transportation tools and resources which address the needs of age-friendly communities and support them to become more livable. Presentations covered the importance of mobility management and the Car-fit Program that MVRPC will now facilitate across the regionand looked at the Miami Valley Regional Livable and Age-Friendly Communities Initiative Story Map.

Also, be sure to view the most recent AARP grant funding opportunity: 2025 AARP Community Challenge

The MVAFN convenes quarterly via Zoom to provide opportunities for communities and organizations in the Miami Valley to learn more and join a regional effort to promote age-friendly policies, places, and programs. For more details, please contact Leslie King at lking@mvrpc.org.